报告人:Xinzhi Liu (University of Waterloo, Canada)
报告题目:Switching Control in Epidemic Modeling
报告摘要:Mathematical models are vital for implementing, evaluating, and optimizing control schemes to eradicate an infectious disease. These mathematical models may be oversimplified, but they are useful for gaining knowledge of the underlying mechanics driving the spread of a disease, and for estimating the number of vaccinations required to eradicate a disease. This talk introduces switching control in epidemic modeling, where a switched epidemic model considers changing contact rates in an infected society. It also considers the presence of vulnerable individuals as frontiers in vaccination, recognizing their societal importance. The qualitative analysis of the model involves results on the positive invariance set and the positivity of the solutions. Additionally, stability criteria are established, where the basic reproduction number is considered as a bifurcation value.Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical analysis.